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Georgia Sentinel Landscape Forestry & Wildlife Landowner Expo

Date: December 1, 2021

Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Time Zone: America/New_York

Location: Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center, 5960 S GA-17
Guyton, GA 31312 United States

Cost: Free

Contact: Susan French

Link to PDF Get Directions

Are you a landowner in Georgia?


Then come join us for the Georgia Sentinel Landscape Forestry & Wildlife Landowner Expo on December 1st at the Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center. Get connected with multiple natural resource organizations and discover sources of professional assistance, financial incentives, and other programs available to help you achieve your forestry and wildlife management goals on your property.

You’ll get to meet our wonderful partners from UGA Mary Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center, Wildlife Resources Division – Georgia DNR, Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Wildlife Federation, Land & Ladies, NRCS, Quail Forever in Georgia, The Georgia Conservancy, Effingham County UGA Cooperative Extension, and Screven County UGA Extension/4-H.


This event is approved for 2.5 Category 1 Continuing Forestry Education hours through the Society of American Foresters.

Note – The Landowner Expo was originally planned for October but has been rescheduled to December 1st.

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