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Georgia Longleaf Field Day

Date: November 30, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Time Zone: America/New_York

Location: Penholoway Swamp WMA, 6737 River Road
Jesup, GA 31546 United States

Cost: Free

Contact: Carol Denhof

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Join us for a tour of Penholoway Swamp WMA and learn about how they are working to restore the longleaf pine ecosystem and create habitat for native wildlife species.
We will learn about the importance of longleaf pine forests and how WMA managers are restoring longleaf back onto portions of the property.

Connect with staff from Georgia Department of Natural Resources, The Longleaf Alliance, Enviva, and other natural resource professionals in the region to discover how you can implement some of the same methodologies on your land.

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