Longleaf Enhancement Fund for Nurseries & Seed Producers

April 4, 2024

The Longleaf Alliance (TLA) is requesting proposals that will increase the quantity or quality of longleaf pine seed or seedlings to help accelerate the restoration of the longleaf ecosystem.

This opportunity is open to all established longleaf pine nurseries and seed producers, and we invite proposals from $25,000 to $500,000 to help address limitations to current production, whether in capacity, equipment, or production efficiency.


Longleaf Enhancement Fund Proposals are accepted online and must include: project goals and details, including the intended enhancement; project costs, funding request, and match contributions, including the detailed budget spreadsheet; anticipated timeline; and current seed/seedling production with expected additive impacts.

An impartial Proposal Evaluation Team will evaluate and rank the completed proposals and help ensure confidentiality is maintained.

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for additional details and sample application form.


To reach the range-wide acreage restoration goal of America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative, longleaf pine seedling production must meet the growing demand from landowners as longleaf incentive funding increases.

The Longleaf Enhancement Fund, administered by TLA, is intended to assist existing producers (nurseries, seed orchards, processors, etc.) in addressing their bottlenecks and limitations to expansion of capacity, or better realization of their potential capacity. This effort is guided by a Proposal Evaluation Team charged with expanding nursery seedling capacity of seven million longleaf seedlings per year above current production trends and build resilience in the system to mitigate crop loss due to extreme weather.


Contact Ad Platt, Vice-president for Operations, The Longleaf Alliance.