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WEBINAR: Hurricane Ecology: Understanding risk and planning for the future of longleaf pine

Date: September 18, 2024

Time: 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

Time Zone: America/New_York

Learn how hurricanes affect the ecology of longleaf pine systems, and hear current research and science supporting mitigation and conservation efforts.

Tropical cyclones recurrently disturb ecosystems in the North American Coastal Plain. Longleaf pine savannas and woodlands, the core ecosystem of this global hotspot, are resistant and resilient to these disturbances. Nonetheless, more frequent and intense hurricanes pose a risk to the conservation of these ecosystems, especially given altered fire regimes.

These ecosystems have been reduced to <5% of their historic extent, are highly fragmented, and are of major conservation significance. Hurricanes of increasing magnitude, coupled with the lack of remaining habitat and altered fire regimes, threaten their persistence. In this work, we review hurricane ecology, summarize risk factors across scales, and detail the need for planning and management actions that anticipate future frequent and intense hurricanes.


Presenter:  Nicole Zampieri, PhD – Post Doctoral Research Scientist, Tall Timbers Research Station & The Jones Center at Ichauway



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