Learning While Burning

March 30, 2023

Learn & Burn workshops provide landowners with hands-on prescribed fire opportunities while also networking with others in their communities who utilize prescribed burning to manage their woodlands.

What is a Learn & Burn?

Adequate training is often a barrier for landowners interested in prescribed fire, and Learn & Burn workshops are one way to help them gain the knowledge and skills to safely conduct prescribed burns.

Typically Learn & Burns combine classroom instruction addressing burn objectives, burn plans, fire weather, safety measures, and smoke management with time in the field reviewing fire equipment and conducting a burn demonstration.

The workshop format allows attendees to witness igniting techniques, and monitor fire behavior safely and with land management professionals, giving them a chance to become more familiar with prescribed fire before applying it on their own property.  Many times Learn & Burn events may be the first time a landowner carries a driptorch.

Partners offer workshops across the Southeast

Recently, The Longleaf Alliance hosted or participated with Learn & Burn workshops across the longleaf pine range with numberous landowner, agency, and non-profit partners.

South Carolina