Longleaf Pine Sustainability Analysis – Request for Proposals
July 14, 2022
Since America's Longleaf released the Range-Wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine in 2009, comprehensive information about the spatial extent, arrangement, and condition of extant longleaf pine was largely unknown.
New datasets and tools such as the Southeast Longleaf Ecosystem Occurrence Geodatabase and Southeast FireMap are now available, allowing for longleaf ecosystem-centric spatial analysis designed to facilitate the strategic, transparent, and evidence-based identification of the “right work” in the “right places” across the historic range of longleaf pine.
The Longleaf Alliance seeks a a contractor to produce a GIS-based Longleaf Pine Sustainability Analysis. The primary role of the Longleaf Pine Sustainability Analysis Contractor is to develop a weighted model for the longleaf pine ecosystem to support the identification of restoration and management investments for the next 15 years of America’s Longleaf.