Southern Pine Beetles Reach Epidemic Level in Alabama’s Forests

August 30, 2024

Alabama Forestry Commission reports highest outbreak in 23 years.

The worst southern pine beetle infestations in Alabama are located within and around Bankhead National Forest and the Oakmulgee District of the Talladega National Forest. A large number of beetle spots exist on adjacent private lands as well.

The Alabama Forestry Commission expects the number of infested spots and the number of affected trees per spot to increase. You can monitor their continued survey efforts using the interactive Alabama Insect and Disease Map.

Be watchful across the Southeast

The reports out of Alabama are a continuation of the problems experienced in Mississippi last year, and Georgia is already reporting an uptick as well.

While there are always some southern pine beetles, populations will occasionally increase dramatically to epidemic proportions, lasting for several years.

The biggest part of these infestations are in loblolly pine stands, but southern pine beetles outbreaks are bad for all pines and pine markets.

About the Southern Pine Beetle

The southern pine beetle (SPB) is the most damaging insect of pine trees in the southern United States. Pines are most susceptible to this native bark beetle when they are stressed by drought, flooding, physical damage, or overcrowding.

Even the healthiest of trees/stands are killed when SPB numbers are high. Therefore, the best strategy is prevention – active management activities like thinning promote forest health. Planting pine species, that are less susceptible to SPB, like longleaf pine, is also key to preventing outbreaks.

In cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, state forestry agencies participate in annual monitoring and offer financial assistance to landowners through the Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program. Explore some of these resources below:

-  USDA Forest Service
-  Alabama Forestry Commission
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Georgia Forestry Commission
Mississippi Forestry Commission
North Carolina Forest Service
South Carolina Forestry Commission
Texas A&M Forest Service
Virginia Department of Forestry