Conserving Diverse Forests
Georgia Sentinel Landscape Prescribed Fire Program
The Longleaf Alliance is excited to be leading a new partnership effort focused on increasing the number of acres burned within the Georgia Sentinel Landscape (GSL) by 35,000 acres in Coastal Georgia and West Central Georgia through the following strategies:
- Establish a prescribed fire co-op in Southeast/Coastal Georgia
- Support theChattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative in West Central Georgia with additional capacity and resources
- Increase landowner outreach and training opportunities
- Provide additional technical and financial (cost-share) resources
- Improve collaboration and communication between agencies and private landowners
Explore the links below to learn more about the GSL Pilot Project made possible with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Department of Defense through the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities.
For more information, contact Susan French, Georgia Sentinel Landscape Pilot Project Coordinator.
Georgia Sentinel Landscape

Sentinel Landscapes are places that have strategic value to the National Defense mission. By preserving the working and rural character of communities, it’s possible to strengthen economies of farms, ranches, and forests, conserve wildlife habitat (including gopher tortoise habitat) and other natural resources, and protect test and training missions conducted on the military installations that anchor these landscapes. The Georgia Sentinel Landscape has nine military installations anchoring agricultural communities, longleaf forests, and critical watersheds.
For more information, visit their website or contact Georgia Coordinator Ken Bradley.
Financial Assistance

A financial assistance program is available through the GSL initiative for landowners in more than 50 Georgia counties to conduct prescribed burning, create firebreaks, and obtain prescribed burn plans.
Applications are evaluated and ranked with an emphasis on longleaf ecosystems, gopher tortoise habitat, and proximity to military installations.
Burn Trailers
Multiple burn trailers are available for rental across the Georgia Sentinel Landscape through the Georgia Forestry Commission and local Resource, Conservation, and Development Councils (RC&Ds).
Each trailer is fully stocked with equipment a landowner might need to conduct a safe prescribed burn on their property such as drip torches, hard hats, and fire rakes. These mobile units make prescribed burning more cost-efficient and enable landowners to have access to high-quality equipment.
For more information on burn trailers available near you, check out the map above!
Learn & Burns

Learn & Burn workshops enable landowners to gain valuable hands-on experience and knowledge in ignition techniques, fire safety, smoke management concerns, and much more. Attendees are also able to connect with fellow neighbors implementing prescribed burning as a land management tool.
For more information about upcoming Learn & Burns and other workshops, contact GSL Pilot Project Coordinator Susan French.
Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative

The Chattahoochee Fall Line Prescribed Fire Cooperative is a partnership of state, federal, private and non-governmental organizations to increase the frequency, quality, and quantity of prescribed fire on private lands in West Central Georgia. The Co-Op aims to listen to landowners' needs to increase the number of acres burned to enhance native ecosystems and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires. The Co-Op offers a burn trailer, cost-share funding, events, and technical assistance.
For more information, visit their website or contact Prescribed Fire Center Coordinator RT Lumpkin.