2020 Range-wide Longleaf Accomplishments
July 7, 2021
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative (ALRI) released its 2020 Range-wide Accomplishment Report celebrating a decade’s worth of accomplishments and significant progress towards restoring longleaf pine. Despite a turbulent 2020, ALRI’s dedicated partners proved resilient and recorded over 1.9 million acres of accomplishments ranging from new longleaf establishment, prescribed burning, land protection, and maintenance activities.
Read the full report HERE.

“ALRI’s unified partnership has catapulted our restoration efforts, causing a ripple effect of positive impacts,” says 2020 Longleaf Partnership Council Chair Tiffany Woods. Few initiatives impact the 100+ million residents in the Southeast to the degree of ALRI, translating to positive outcomes for local economies, national defense, rare species, recreation, forest resiliency, wildfire risk, clean air and water, carbon sequestration, and climate change mitigation.
Many thanks to all who contributed data, photos, and success stories to the 2020 Longleaf Accomplishment Report!
2021 ALRI Leadership Team — Chris Erwin, Colette DeGarady, Tiffany Woods, Stephanie Hertz, Kyle Jones, Aaron Valenta, & Matthew Vandersande
2020 Longleaf Accomplishment Report Team — Ryan Bollinger, Sarah Crate, Stephanie Hertz, & Kyle Jones.