TLA’s Wetland Ecosystem Support Team Exceeds Restoration Goals

January 27, 2023

In 2018, The Longleaf Alliance's Wetland Ecosystem Support Team (WEST) formed to restore isolated wetlands in the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership (GCPEP). Why Wetlands? The longleaf landscape hosts many significant natural communities embedded within the "woods." The connectivity of the landscape and ALL its parts improves the resiliency of our communities. Wetlands, in particular,

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Freeze Injury Alert

December 22, 2022

Southern yellow pines acclimate to winter weather gradually. While this provides some cold hardiness, the root system of longleaf pines never really goes dormant. When temperatures drop for extended periods, or when extreme temperature fluctuations occur, there is a risk of freeze injury to seedlings. Extreme cold, desiccating winds, and sudden temperature changes may adversely affect longleaf

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2022 in Review – We LOVE What We Do!

December 19, 2022

The Longleaf Alliance (TLA) made significant progress toward our mission to ensure a sustainable future for longleaf pine ecosystems in 2022. From Texas to Virginia, Alliance staff assisted landowners and partners with longleaf establishment, prescribed fire, habitat restoration, at-risk species conservation, mapping, outreach, and more. All in all, it was a very full year for The Longleaf All

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14th Biennial Longleaf Conference

November 10, 2022

In October, The Alliance hosted the 14th Biennial Longleaf Conference in Wilmington, North Carolina, with a sold-out crowd of longleaf enthusiasts in attendance. More than 350 registrants representing 16 states joined us to "rekindle our connections." 2022 Regional Longleaf Awards Conference Photo Recap Message from President Carol Denhof As I write this in Novem

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TLA Receives 2022 FSC Leadership Award

October 21, 2022

The Longleaf Alliance is honored to be recognized by the Forest Stewardship Council's 2022 Leadership Awards along with our partners American Forest Foundation and The Nature Conservancy. FSC Leadership Awards celebrate forest owners, builders, architects, retailers, paper mills, manufacturers, environmental organizations and many others who contribute to the movement toward responsible sou

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2022 Regional Longleaf Awards Announced

September 13, 2022

Every two years, individuals, private landowners, land managers, wildlife biologists, conservation groups, consultants, university researchers, forestry professionals, agency and outreach personnel gather for the best and largest longleaf event in the nation: The Biennial Longleaf Conference. The Regional Longleaf Awards Program, offered in conjunction with the Biennial Longleaf Conference, recog

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Longleaf Pine Sustainability Analysis – Request for Proposals

July 14, 2022

Since America's Longleaf released the Range-Wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine in 2009, comprehensive information about the spatial extent, arrangement, and condition of extant longleaf pine was largely unknown. New datasets and tools such as the Southeast Longleaf Ecosystem Occurrence Geodatabase and Southeast FireMap are now available, allowing for longleaf ecosystem-centric spatial ana

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TLA Awarded $1.7 Million to Advance Longleaf Pine Restoration and Conservation

August 18, 2022

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announced $7.5 million in grants to restore, enhance and protect longleaf pine forests in eight Southeast states. The grants will generate more than $9 million in matching contributions for a total conservation impact of $16.5 million. The 22 projects were awarded through NFWF's Longleaf Landscape Stewardship Fund, and will support conservation w

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Longleaf Pine Cone Prospects for 2022

June 27, 2022

Unlike some other southern yellow pine species, longleaf pine cone production is variable with infrequent good crops. The process is influenced by many environmental factors over the course of the cones' two-year development, with large differences observed from year to year and also from place to place. Having an idea of upcoming cone crops helps longleaf growers plan for nursery seedling prod

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Accepting Nominations for the 2022 Regional Longleaf Awards

May 6, 2022

Who inspires you in the longleaf community? The Regional Longleaf Awards Program recognizes individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to longleaf restoration and conservation across the southeastern U.S. Awardees will be recognized at the 14th Biennial Longleaf Conference in Wilmington, NC on October 26, 2022. More information on the awards and conference can be

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